
Paul Delacourt

Managing Partner, Stratagem Consulting, LLC

About Paul

Paul Delacourt retired from the FBI in May 2021, following a distinguished 25-year career in law enforcement.

Paul is currently the Managing Partner at Stratagem Consulting, LLC, where he and the Stratagem team provide executive consulting on regulatory compliance, risk mitigation, business development, and cyber risk awareness. Paul is also an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Chicago Graham School, teaching a Master's degree course in Intelligence and Analysis. Mr. Delacourt retired as the Assistant Director of the Strategic Realignment Program Management Office at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC.

He previously served as the Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Los Angeles field office for three years, leading an executive team with oversight of three operational divisions, intelligence, and mission services, and including nearly 1500 employees across the seven counties of the Central District of California.

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